100 Word Statement
Through both physical and digital mediums, a space's inherent constraints can be explored and utilised to create exciting, dynamic environments. 'Deliberation' acts to explore this, guiding viewers through my journey as I explored the re-casting of spaces, predominantly through the redesign of a bedroom.
Illustrating this, the impact of orientation was communicated as I looked to more effectively utilise the changing personality of light throughout the day, better catering to the individual needs of a "client". Additionally, through a clerestory, refracted light can further be harnessed for its innate calmness, fitting for a place of relaxation when compared to direct exposure.
As such, 'Deliberation' conveys the journey in redesigning a space to harness its innate potential for richness.
Collage of Best 10 Images
STL and Illustrator Files
Some screenshots taken using Microsoft Print 3D of my initials ready for printing
Lazer cut template from other task completed using Fusion360
3 Minute Presentation
Deliberation guides the viewer through the process of redesigning a simple domestic space into something much more exciting and dynamic. It aims to communicate the process of design, exploring how the needs of a client can be not only met, but expanded upon to create beautiful architecture. This was ultimately achieved through an integration of digital and physical modelling, as I learnt how to truly harness the potential of a space.
To communicate the initial persona of the bedroom, measurements were taken and a paper model was developed. This allowed me to observe the existing interplay of light and space in the room, and how it interacted with its context. ! I did however note that due to the 1:50 scale, the paper was unable to support its weight, and as such for future first models, a smaller scale will be used. ! Despite this, this initial model still achieved its aim to document the basic identity of the bedroom.
From here, a more developed cardboard model was created, slightly scaled up to capture more detail in the room, such as furnishings. This really illustrated the current positives in the room, and also highlighted its inherent shortcomings, such as featuring too much direct light. I also learnt that leaving one wall open and instead covering the roof allowed for experimenting with internal lighting conditions.
To be able enrich this aforementioned space, I then began researching notions around the deliberate use of light. This can be seen in the Berlin Jewish Museum, where this concept creates a powerful effect. I researched ways to utilise this technique in the bedroom, an example of which being clerestories.
In order to better communicate my ideas through physical mediums, I also explored various modelling techniques. For example, I overcame my initial skepticism about paper for the use of modelling when i explored its capacity for more intricate shapes and structures, such as x form spans.
Digital modelling enables a much more flexible and adaptable communicative medium. It allows for a client to visualise their end product, including texture, shadow and multiple rendering options. Feedback can also be quickly implemented using these digital models. Applications such as fusion360 also have the ability to highlight potential physical limitations in the design, such as when shelling failed in the left-hand model.
This research informed the end decisions in the recasting of the existing bedroom. For example, to add a sense of refracted, deliberate light, I chose to implement a clerestory spanning the center of the room.
Having completed a site analysis which incorporated a review of the optimal solar orientation, the room layout has been rearranged to gain a northern aspect for the balcony. This better reflects the diurnal habits of the client, who prefers the filtered qualities of afternoon sunlight over harsh morning light.
A further development of my modelling process featured the addition of rendered material selection to give the client greater insight into the end product.
In summary, Deliberation captures my journey through the physical and digital design process and how I have learnt to explore and communicate my ideas through these mediums.